The blockchain game Blast Auto Club (BAC) is a web-based racing team development game released on the Ethereum layer 2 Blast.

I won’t mention the status of Blast Chain here, you can search Web3 news and public chain TVL rankings by yourself. There are many L2s now, and it is hard to say which game on which chain will be successful, so I will keep observing and not judge.

BAC is said to be the first Web3 game on the Blast chain.

I started playing this game because I had never played this type of game before and was a little curious about its design. In addition, after joining the VIP player community of Guatian Club in February, I won a BAC NFT white ticket in the VIP group. Because I introduced some resources to Gua Ge, Gua Ge gave me an extra NFT white ticket. On March 7, I minted these two NFTs at a unit price of 0.16e, and opened two ordinary-level Racer racers. I didn’t sell them at the high price of 0.5e. Later, I saw that many people in the VIP player group minted white tickets and opened X-level NFTs. The peak price was 0.8e, and the floor price today is 0.25e.

So I participated in the Beta test on February 25th, the Beta+ test from March 28th to April 8th, the BAC token IEO on May 29th, and I bought 1,000 BAC tokens at a price of 0.5u by depositing eth. On May 30th, the BAC IEO price on the Gate exchange rose to 0.8u. After staking NFTs several times to obtain V-point points, I continued to participate in the official launch of BAC's V1 version on June 15th.

Looking at the poster of the BAC game, you would probably think that this is a racing game. In fact, there is not a single moving car in the game, and there is no racing element at all, only pure character and team development.

The basic gameplay is as follows:

1) 15 player characters form a racing club

2) Each player sends his own game character (Operator/Racer//Engineer) out to work, and settles the output of each type of work materials (harvesting) every 8 hours of work. Players can buy BAC character NFTs and import them into the game (NFTs can open B-level characters), or they can use 150 BACGAMES tokens to buy a BAC character blind box in the game, and the blind box can open C-level or D-level game characters. The physical strength of the NFT character can last for 60 days, and the physical strength of the character opened by buying a blind box with BAC tokens can last for 20 days. In addition, I asked the game MOD, and the A-level game characters have not appeared in the game yet.

3) The racing club needs players to donate materials. The club consumes 200 materials of each of the three trades of racing manager/racer/engineer to buy a racing blind box, which will open one of 15 types of models in 5 levels: D/C/B/A/S. The initial cars opened in the blind box are all 0 stars. Two cars of the same type can be upgraded to 3 stars by combining them. Low-level cars can be disassembled.

4) The materials collected by the game character every 8 hours can be used to charge different racing cars in the club. After each racing car has the three charging materials required, the club can send the racing car to other cities to earn BAC tokens. It takes 8-12 hours for each racing car to earn gold.

5) The higher the level of the car, the more BAC tokens you earn for each car. The tokens earned by the same car are also related to the traffic smoothness of the city where it is deployed. The more cars running in a city, the lower the traffic smoothness and the lower the output.

6) 70% of the BAC tokens earned from each race will be distributed to each player’s account in proportion to the player’s contribution to refueling the car with materials.

7) 20% of the BAC tokens earned from each race will be distributed to the donating players according to the donation ratio of the players to the racing club to buy cars, so players who have not donated will not receive this income.

8) The remaining 5% of the BAC tokens earned from a race will go into the club warehouse and be freely distributed by the club manager

9) BAC tokens allocated to players can be withdrawn to exchanges and sold

10) Players can send characters to fight against bosses in Adventure. When the characters are upgraded to level 5/10/15/20, treasure chests will drop, which can give out different amounts of BAC tokens. There is also a small chance of getting BAC tokens directly during the battle with the boss.

So this is the process of a player using game characters to form a team to earn gold.

Therefore, in this gameplay, players can obtain more BAC tokens by making gold, which requires a lot of training work:

1) Cultivate more advanced game characters (have more powerful black slaves): Among the four levels of game characters in BCD, B-level characters need to be obtained by purchasing game NFTs. C-level and D-level characters can spend 150 BACGames tokens to buy blind boxes in the game. It depends on luck which profession is opened, C-level or D-level.

Special reminder: Starting from June 22, when you use BAC tokens to purchase character blind boxes in the game, the proportion of C-level characters opened will double.

Among characters of the same job type, B-level characters have the highest combat power and are the most efficient at obtaining materials when sent out to work.

Figure 1 Upper layer: Level 15 B-class racer, the efficiency of producing racer materials is 41.25 per hour

Figure 1 Lower layer: Level 15 D-class racer, the efficiency of producing racer materials is 32.13 per hour

The more materials a high-level character produces, the more materials they can donate to the racing club to buy new cars. They can also use the materials to fuel more racing cars and receive more BAC token allocations.

2) Cultivate more game characters (own more black slaves). Each initial game account is configured with 2 game character slots. If the same account wants to have more game characters, it is necessary to spend Vpoints to purchase slots. The price of purchasing slots is increasing. The first slot is 10 vpoints, and the price after that is 20-30-40-50 vpoints. Each game character of the player must have a slot, otherwise it cannot be sent out to work and earn materials.

3) Upgrade the game character to a higher level (upgrade the slave): The initial game character is at level 0. You can upgrade one level by spending 20-25 Vpoints, and the highest level you can upgrade to is level 15. The higher the level of the game character, the more materials you can get from working.

Figure 2 upper layer: Level 15 B-class racing driver character CP combat power 128.6k,

Figure 2 Lower level: Level 15 D-class racer CP combat power 84.5

The combat effectiveness of the former is 1.5 times that of the latter.

figure 2

It takes 300-450 Vpoints to upgrade a character from level 0 to level 15. Vpoints can be obtained by staking BAC tokens. You can choose to stake for one week, two weeks or one month. Staking BAC tokens for one month can earn you 3 times the Vpoints (Figure 3).

image 3

4. Cultivate a racing club (form a team of black slaves to go to other cities to earn gold):

All racing clubs will be ranked according to their CP power (Figure 4). The top-ranked racing clubs will receive BAC token rewards after the end of the season. Therefore, the stronger the combined CP power of the club's 15 characters, the more BAC tokens the entire club can get, and the more BAC each of the 15 players will get.

Therefore, the investment of club managers is very important. First, find 15 characters with high combat power, collect materials to buy cars, and configure more advanced vehicles. It is necessary to merge and upgrade vehicles and decompose low-level vehicles. It is also necessary to collect materials for each racing car in time. After the racing materials are fully charged, they must be dispatched in time, and the vehicles must be collected in time when the time comes. Let the vehicles circulate quickly and maximize the output of gold tokens for all racing cars in the club.


1. BAC is a game that requires players to use their brains and calculations, and use their own social groups to form teams, but it is not a hard game to play, and does not require advanced keyboard and mouse control skills. It allows Web3 players to play games leisurely and happily, which is its biggest advantage.

What players need to do once they enter the game is: raise black slaves (game characters) - upgrade black slaves (game characters) - join a large racing club with stronger combat power and more effective management.

In addition, the daily task is to arrange time, collect vegetables once every 8 hours, calculate the materials earned by each character, and then make plans to donate the materials to the most powerful racing club, or distribute them to the more powerful racing cars for charging;

All that remains is to collect BAC token rewards, and then go back to optimize your own slave team based on the rewards and join a more powerful racing club. If there are many BAC players around you, you can even form a 15-person racing club and manage it yourself.

2. Web3 players are most concerned about the payback period: Cathy started recording the output and consumption of gold in the BAC game every two days on June 17th. You are welcome to wait and see. According to other players' calculations, currently 150 BACs are used to buy a character. If you operate it at full capacity (harvest the crops in time and join the efficient club), you can get your money back in about 16 days.

3. If you want to know more about the VIP game player community of Guatian Club, you can ask Cathy to help you create a group for introduction.