At the end of the decline, there is a rapid decline to create a false impression of a break, and then retail investors cut their losses and chase short orders. After that, the dog dealer quickly pulls back to the key point again, and then washes back and forth two or three times😵‍💫If you don’t die, you will lose half your life‼ ️

Yesterday’s rapid decline gave everyone a coping strategy. The view is that the false decline is a real wash. This is a method we often use when institutions operate, and it is also the most typical method at the end of a decline or rise🤓Yesterday’s wash was still kind to you. Violent pins will make you lose faster🤦

After the wash is over, slowly absorb funds and rise slowly‼ ️Then it will cooperate with the news to violently pull up, quickly away from the cost area, short stop loss and liquidation, and longs chase the rise🌹

We are in the circle. Those who hold longs are waiting, the worst time is over🔚#美联储何时降息? $BTC