#STRK $STRK STRK today's market trend professional analysis

After a detailed analysis of STRK's market today, we can clearly see that at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels, the market is dominated by the short side. It is particularly noteworthy that the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level is near 0.7207, which will be the key to today's market trend.

From the perspective of the lower support level, 0.7026, 0.6982 and 0.6944 are areas that investors need to pay close attention to. If the STRK price touches these support levels, it may trigger a technical rebound in the market. However, in a market environment with strong short forces, whether these support levels can effectively support the price still requires investors to carefully judge.

Of course, the market trend is always full of variables. If the STRK price rebounds, investors need to pay close attention to the changes in the upper pressure levels. 0.7236, 0.7276 and 0.7337 will be important tests for the rise of STRK prices. If STRK can successfully break through these pressure levels, the market trend may change.

In short-term trading, investors need to remain highly vigilant and pay attention to the changes in long and short forces in real time. Only by accurately judging market trends and flexibly adjusting trading strategies can we make steady profits in a volatile market.

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