In 2024, there are only three real 100x coins

1: SOL   Founded in late 2017 by former Qualcomm, Intel, and Dropbox engineers, Solana is a single-chain delegated proof-of-stake protocol that focuses on providing scalability without sacrificing decentralization or security.

The core of Solana's scaling solution is a decentralized clock called "Proof of History (PoH)", which aims to solve the time problem of no single trusted time source in a distributed network. By using a verifiable delay function, PoH allows each node to generate a timestamp locally using SHA256 calculations. This eliminates the need to broadcast timestamps across the entire network, thereby improving overall network efficiency.

2: ETHFI, a decentralized, non-custodial delegated staking protocol.

Ether.Fi is a brand new infrastructure-based staking protocol on Ethereum. Ether.Fi allows participants to retain control of their keys when staking on behalf of others

Deposits to Ether.Fi will automatically re-stake with Eigenlayer. Eigenlayer uses staked ETH to support external systems (such as rollups, oracles) to build an economic security layer, which increases the returns of ETH stakers in the process.

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3: PEPE   $PEPE is a meme coin with no pre-sale, zero tax, LP destruction and contract abandonment.

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