In the next period of time, if there is no major event, the market is expected to show the following dynamics:

Bitcoin may enter a relatively stable period of shock, and its price fluctuations will not be too drastic, unless a sudden black swan event breaks this pattern and brings unpredictable trends to the market.

At the same time, the altcoin market will continue to face the pressure of lifting the ban, and the outflow of institutional funds may cause these currencies to continue to be in a weak state. However, from time to time, there will still be some hot spots in the market, attracting the attention of investors and setting off waves of short-term hype.

In this market environment, the best investment strategy may be to enter the market in time after each panic decline stabilizes, capture those short-term small-band profit opportunities, and withdraw decisively to avoid excessive nostalgia or belief. We should remain flexible and calm until the market shows new trends and movements.

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