An American man, Victor Miller, caused a stir when he applied to run for an AI chatbot named VIC (Virtual Integrated Citizen) for the position of Mayor of Cheyenne city, Wyoming. Miller asserts that VIC, powered by OpenAI technology, will make all political decisions and run the city better than humans.

However, this bold idea has faced backlash from OpenAI. The company quickly disabled Miller's access to VIC operating tools, citing a violation of its policy on using technology for political purposes.

Victor Miller is causing a stir with the idea of ​​running an AI chatbot for the position of Mayor

This incident shows that AI is creating new challenges for modern politics. As this technology develops at breakneck speed, regulators, businesses and consumers are still finding ways to use AI responsibly and in accordance with the legal framework.

Miller said he created VIC because he was once denied city records due to requests to remain anonymous. He believes AI can help solve this problem. However, many experts believe that entrusting political power to AI is unrealistic and potentially risky.

Professor Jen Golbeck from the University of Maryland affirmed that AI should be used as a decision support tool, not to make decisions on its own. She worries that AI can manipulate public opinion, spread false information and cause social instability. While Professor David Karpf from George Washington University believes that AI participating in politics is just a "trick" to attract attention.

Still, Miller remained steadfast in his goal. He plans to bring VIC to the local library in Cheyenne for voters to ask questions of this chatbot.

In addition to Miller, OpenAI also took action against another candidate in the UK who was using AI to campaign. Steve Endacott, president of an AI company called Neural Voice, answers questions from voters through AI Steve, a chatbot on his website. He is running independently.

These events have sparked debate about the role of AI in political life. Can chatbots become a bright candidate in the future? Can AI replace humans in running the country?

Whatever the outcome, this event is a wake-up call that AI is increasingly creeping into every corner of life, posing new challenges for policymakers, technology experts and the whole world. society. Finding a balance between the benefits and risks of AI is imperative to ensure the technology is used responsibly and effectively.