Share two high-quality coins with you 💥💥💥

$LISTA coins

𝐿𝐼𝑆𝑇𝐴 is a project on the Binance chain that has attracted much attention recently, and has received 10 million investment support from Binance.

As a large trading platform, Binance's support for the project shows its recognition and confidence in the project. Binance holds a large number of LISTA chips, which means that at the right time, Binance may promote the rise of this currency.

The turnover rate of 𝐿𝐼𝑆𝑇𝐴 is close to more than 200 million, but the circulating market value is only more than 100 million, indicating that the dealer has completed the bottom absorption and is ready to pull up. Therefore, if the market can remain stable, LISTA's turnover rate is close to more than 200 million, but the circulating market value is only more than 100 million, indicating that the dealer has completed the bottom accumulation and is ready to pull up. Therefore, if the market can remain stable, LISTA will be a position building option worthy of attention.

$PEOPLE Currency

𝑃𝐸𝑂𝑃𝐿𝐸 is a fully circulated 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑒 coin, and its market value is not high compared with other 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑒 coins. In the current market environment, due to the low circulation and high market value of many 𝑉𝐶 institutional coins, retail investors are not very enthusiastic about these coins. However, PEOPLE is a fully circulated meme coin, and its market value is not high compared with other meme coins. In the current market environment, due to the low circulation and high market value of many VC institutional coins, retail investors are not very enthusiastic about these coins.

PEOPLE has attracted the attention of the market with its full circulation and relatively low market value, as well as a good narrative related to the US election. The crazy pin-spiking performance on the candlestick chart also shows that there is a strong dealer behind the currency. Considering the upcoming US election, the market is expected to hype related topics, and PEOPLE is expected to gain 10-20 times in a short period of time.

Both LISTA and PEOPLE have shown high market potential and investment value. Investment is risky, and investors should fully consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals when making decisions.#MegadropLista #币安HODLer空投 #LayerZero #CryptoTradingGuide $ZK