Old people in the circle often say: "Hold coins in a bear market and make money in a bull market", but why do many students lose money in a bull market? There are roughly two reasons: one is operation - chasing ups and downs, frequent trading; the other is selection - not understanding position configuration and not finding high-quality projects. Look at the picture below, can it correspond to your previous operations?

Teacher, did you install surveillance cameras around me? Sorry, the ones who “installed surveillance cameras” are the dealers. In addition to operations, the dealers’ favorite thing to do every day is to study leeks. They can only make profits by cutting leeks. Do you know what characteristics the best leeks to cut have for dealers? Do you have these characteristics?

Warren Buffett, the stock god, said: When others are fearful, I am greedy; when others are greedy, I am fearful. Old investors regard this sentence as their motto, but many new investors regard it as a joke and make all kinds of confusing operations. Just like the 519 incident a while ago, many students asked me if it was going to be zero? Should I stop loss in time? When everyone was panicking, the teacher's advice to everyone was to buy at a low price and hold the spot.

But many students choose to sell at a loss. Why? Bad mentality. If you don't choose a steady investment, you should make a good risk assessment in advance. Many students only want to make money, but risks coexist. When the market plummets, there are two voices in your heart: escape and hold on, let holding on beat escape; during the period of sharp rise, there are also two voices in your heart: enter the market and wait, let waiting beat entering the market. If you do these two points, you will beat 80% of people in mentality.

Your mentality controls your operation, and your choice is mainly affected by your knowledge. Investing is not a simple matter. There is a lot of knowledge in investing. Even the daily things like going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables actually have various knowledge. How do you choose a conscientious merchant? How do you choose a delicious cucumber? How do you bargain with the vegetable farmers? Aunt Zhang from the neighbor's house can tell you all these knowledge. The knowledge of investment lies in how to grasp the signals of bottom-picking and top-selling, how to configure positions, how to choose currencies, how to deal with the dealer, etc.

I particularly like to treat watching the market as solving a problem. When I get the correct answer through my own judgment, I will have a sense of accomplishment. In this process, I will become more and more proficient, and my accuracy rate will increase. I will be happier and more confident. In fact, the bad mentality is still because there is no support. With support, the teacher dares to tell the students that the bull market is not over, and they should buy the bottom on 519! This support is obtained through systematic learning.

The most basic position configuration rules you must understand:

1. Don't bet on one, and don't bet on a hundred. What does it mean? Don't put your money into one project, and don't invest in too many projects. There is such a rule in the investment world: when you invest in 10 projects, it is enough for one project to succeed. If you bet on one project, it is tantamount to gambling. If this project fails, you lose everything. But if you invest in too many projects, dozens or hundreds, can you take care of them? The teacher's advice is that 3-7 are enough.

2. The order of priority. The order of priority is to invest half of the bitcoin or the aunt, and then invest the remaining 30% in altcoins, and keep 20% for margin trading. But in fact, for students with small funds, you can appropriately increase the position of altcoins. Then among the altcoins, keep the high position for the currency with low risk and high return, such as Matic, Sushi, etc., which are reliable projects, and the market has been good and will not go sideways for a long time.

3. Adjust the position when the price reaches the top. I have told my classmates before that the safe way to invest is to double the amount and sell half of it. However, some projects are not very strong and will plummet after reaching the top. For such projects, you can choose to sell 80% and then wait for the opportunity to buy the bottom again. This is the common practice of the banker to sell high and buy low. After you sell 80%, you can choose another project to speculate on the trend. This is called adjusting the position. How do you know when the price reaches the top? This requires technical knowledge.

Finally, always keep some idle funds in order not to miss the opportunity to get on board. When I told my classmates about bottom fishing on 519, many of them told me that they had no funds left, so they missed a good opportunity.

Why is it that in the same blockchain investment, others cut the banker's money, while you are cut by the banker? You don't have the skills to survive in this circle for a long time! This skill can be as small as your emotions or as big as your analysis strategy. When you are proficient in the technical, fundamental and news aspects, your heart will be full, your mentality will be stable, and your funds will flow in smoothly. #币安合约锦标赛