In the cryptocurrency circle, there is a group of people who shout for a drop everywhere and nag to open short positions quickly.

When the market rises slightly, they shout for a rise everywhere and urge to open long positions quickly.

These people always seem to make wrong decisions at the wrong time. They don't go short when there is a callback signal at a high position, and they don't go long when there is a reversal at a low position and an upward trend.

Are they stupid or do they have bad intentions?

If you stand with them, you should think about your future.

Only doing long positions seems to be a perfect strategy for chasing ups, but in fact it may put you in trouble.

And doing long and short positions together has become the most typical strategy of chasing ups and downs. Such behavior is undoubtedly drifting with the tide in the market.

So, who are these people?

They may be inexperienced investors who are swayed by the market's emotions.

They may also be people with ulterior motives who try to mislead others.

But in either case, it is not wise to associate with them.

If you already have a high short position in your hand, continue to hold it.

If you don't have a short position, don't blindly chase it.

Similarly, if you have multiple orders, don't add positions easily, wait until the market is exhausted before making a decision.

The same is true for spot investors. If you are too lazy to care, just lie down and let it rot.

I am currently studying a relatively good potential coin, and I will wait for it to stabilize first.

With me, everything is simple for you to keep up.

Specifically, follow me into the setting area🌹

I still say that if you come to me, I will take you ashore, and you just lie down,

Friends who deduct 1 in the comment area will take you into the setting area! (Free)

I will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth👈