Can we take a break for a few weeks? ?

Now let's take a look at the factors that affect the market:

1: Nvidia leads the AI ​​sector's retracement, which also affects the Nasdaq and Bitcoin

2: The possible approval of Ethereum ETF in early July will be good for Ethereum before it is approved

3: Two macro data on July 6 and 11

4: If the Ethereum ETF is officially traded, Grayscale will inevitably have selling pressure, and we need to observe the acceptance of other institutions, similar to Bitcoin in late January and early February.

At present, the negative impact of factor 1 has begun to take effect and is continuing, and it is unknown when it will end. In addition, judging from the current decline, ETH is obviously resistant to decline, so the second factor should also play a certain role. Next, we will see whether this can be confirmed at the end of June and early July. As for the impact of 3 and 4, it has not started yet.

Did Nvidia forget to bring AI on board when it rushed? ? ? ?

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