First of all, let me share my opinion‼ ️

📍Binance is the largest exchange, and the coins it lists are the most conscientious I have ever seen in the exchange, no one else

The bull market itself is the peak period for the listing of coins. The conditions for the selection of coins on Binance and the benefits it brings to retail investors are already high enough📈

📍Secondly, regarding the issue of VC coins, I just want to say that it is reasonable for any coin to have VC. The coin circle is easy to make money, but it does not allow you to pick up money. If you do not have the ability to judge, you cannot blame your incompetence on anyone

📍Third, the increase in the entire BNB in ​​the bull market, as well as BNB mining, and the recent megadrop have brought real and stable returns to Binance users. This is obvious to all. Binance has indeed distributed real money to all retail investors without hiding it. It is very conscientious and blameless

‼ ️‼ ️#币安合约锦标赛 #币安HODLer空投