Good evening, everyone. I am Jifu.

I think I need to explain it again.

1. When the price of Bitcoin was 71,000, I said that it would fall to 61,000. In the past few days, even if I operated long orders, I also said "the current trend is short" and "you can go short without thinking", and so on.

2. Yesterday afternoon, I said that I would go short from 66,300 to 65,050, and then go long. The situation at that time was that there was no lower low the day before, and a higher high was created yesterday. 66,400 is the pressure point of this descending wedge. Yesterday, it failed to hit the pressure point and fell down. Considering the weekend in the next two days, shouldn't we counterattack today?

3. At midnight yesterday, Bitcoin hit a lower position than the day before, but the low point of this round of decline was 64,064, so yesterday's 64,300 can still be barely considered a second buy, but there are more hidden dangers.

4. Today, during the day, Bitcoin did not even stand at 65200, the minimum pressure point for counterattack. In fact, Bitcoin fell back at the opening today and has not risen. So I talked about the uncertainty of the market in the chat room. I said that the main force is choosing the direction. I said to open a short position for hedging. In the afternoon, I also said to place a short position at 64000 and stop profit at 63499. It’s just that when I just published the article, Bitcoin fell. But I pointed out the uncertainty of the market and the short position hedging at 1 pm.

5. I personally think that the content I posted in the chat room in the afternoon is very easy to understand: 1. Strictly set a stop loss. 2. A relatively thin defense, and a profit point of at least 1,000 points (because the main force is choosing the direction). In fact, the core of what I talked about is this thing. I don’t know how the explosion happened. I really don’t know.

6. I now feel more and more that if I want to give orders or directions next, I have to do two things well. 1. The market is changing rapidly, so you have to operate in real time and cannot post in the square. 2. Just give the points and operations without explanation or long-winded speeches.