Very practical bottom-picking skills, with an accuracy rate of up to 98%

Choose currency:

Prioritize high-quality currencies that have previous bottoms and are not currently following the market to hit new lows.

Avoid the simple "buy more when the price drops" strategy, adopt a step-by-step position building, divide the funds into 5-6 parts and invest gradually, and avoid investing all the funds at one time.

Observe the bottom pattern:

Pay attention to patterns such as double bottom, triple bottom, head and shoulder bottom, and arc bottom.

Once these patterns are completed and an upward breakthrough occurs, you should increase your position and buy in time.

Analyze the K-line trend:

After a large positive line, if there are more than three small positive lines or cross stars, it indicates that there is a high probability of rising in the future market, and you can buy quickly.

Use technical indicators:

During the rebound and pull-up process, if there is a trend of shrinking volume and stepping back, and the MA5, MA10 and MA20 lines converge to form a golden cross, showing signs of another upward attack, this is the best time to build a position.

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If you like spot trading, want to roll funds together, and ambush value coins

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In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities!