PANews reported on June 21 that security agency Dilation Effect posted a message on Twitter to remind that attackers have recently attempted to fake large-scale recharges of USDT (Tether) on the TON chain. Dilation Effect's on-chain monitoring system found that a malicious address EQBPePiHXhg8XzSRe6FWsDS8s2OHLS1Z2GrW2REL56pMTIKA is deploying a fake USDT token contract. The Metadata data of the contract is exactly the same as the official USDT, and it has been tested for fake recharges on major exchanges.

Dilation Effect specifically warned that many exchanges have just started to support USDT deposits on the TON chain, and the system may not be perfect yet, making it vulnerable to fake deposit attacks. The attacker's strategy is usually to make a small test deposit first, and then gradually increase the amount in an attempt to defraud larger amounts of funds. Exchanges should strengthen monitoring, especially strict review of large TON chain USDT deposits, to prevent the impact of fake deposits on fund security.