#SEPT $SEPT Professional analysis of SEPT's market on the day

After a comprehensive evaluation of the current market data, STPT has shown a trend of bullish dominance at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels. Today, we need to pay special attention to the 4-hour level of the bull-bear watershed, which is the key position of 0.03991.

From the current market structure, if the STPT price pulls back, the target price below will first focus on 0.03872. If this support level is lost, the price may further drop to the two more critical support levels of 0.03817 and 0.03757. However, considering the strong strength of the bulls, these pullback points may become buying opportunities in the short term.

For the rebound of the market, we first need to pay attention to the resistance level of 0.04260. If the bulls can successfully break through this price, they will further challenge the two higher resistance levels of 0.04322 and 0.04407. However, if the rebound fails to successfully break through these three price levels, we need to be alert to the possible short-term correction in the market, and we need to pay close attention to the changes in the long and short forces.

In terms of operation, it is recommended that investors maintain a short-term market-watching strategy and pay attention to the changes in the long and short forces in real time in order to capture the best trading opportunities in market fluctuations. At the same time, be sure to pay attention to risk management to ensure investment safety.

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