When investing in altcoins for the long term, investors should avoid two common traps. First, altcoins with too large a market capitalization should not be selected, as these currencies may have reached maturity, have limited future growth potential, and are at risk of being replaced by emerging competitors, such as EOS, BCH, etc. in history, and ADA, DOT, etc. currently. Second, avoid investing in altcoins with too low a market capitalization and limited trading volume, as such currencies are often accompanied by extremely high uncertainty and risk, have a very low probability of success, and in most cases may just be short-term market speculation.

When choosing altcoins, investors should look for projects with practical application scenarios, technological innovations, and strong development team support. At the same time, consider the market recognition, liquidity, and support of the trading platform of the currency. By comprehensively considering these factors, investors can make more informed investment decisions in order to achieve stable returns in the long run.