#tnsr $TNSR

TNSR long orders are profitable. Yesterday, the intraday short-term prompt was long. Everyone was asked to focus on the long-short watershed near 0.6319. The market broke the 4-hour long-short price and went short all the way to the lower target

Short-term contract monitoring operation, real-time attention to the changes in long and short forces

TNSR today's market trend analysis

Today's TNSR market trend shows an overall short trend, and the 1/2/4 hour levels all clearly point to the short side. In this context, we pay special attention to the 4-hour level of the long-short watershed, that is, the key position near 0.6319. This price will be the focus of competition between the long and short sides of the market, and its trend will directly affect the subsequent market direction.

At present, there are multiple support levels below the market, namely 0.6162, 0.6106, and 0.6054. If the TNSR price is supported near these positions and rebounds, investors need to pay close attention to the pressure level above. Especially the three key price levels of 0.6517, 0.6601 and 0.6694. If TNSR can successfully break through, it is expected to further open up the upside space.

For short-term investors, it is very important to watch the market. It is necessary to pay attention to the changes in the power of long and short positions and the fluctuations in market sentiment in real time. In the operation, it is necessary to remain calm, avoid being swayed by market sentiment, and formulate reasonable trading strategies based on technical analysis and market dynamics.

In summary, the market trend of TNSR today is mainly short, but there is a possibility of rebound. Investors need to pay close attention to market dynamics and respond flexibly to market changes.

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