#ENA $ENA ENA currency market today's professional analysis

Today's ENA market trend shows different trends at multiple time levels. First, at the 1-hour level, the appearance of the yellow signal reveals to us the important changes that may be about to happen in the market. However, when we zoom in to the 2/4 hour level, the market is clearly under the control of the bears, which shows the downward pressure in the short and medium term.

At present, the focus of the market is undoubtedly on the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, that is, the position near 0.6278. This key price will become the focus of competition between the long and short sides, and it is also an important reference for judging the future direction of the market.

For the short side, it is necessary to pay attention to the support level below. In particular, the three price levels of 0.6129, 0.5980, and 0.5833 will provide a certain degree of support to the market. If the ENA price is supported near these positions and rebounds, then we need to pay close attention to the pressure level above.

Specifically, 0.6334, 0.6502, and 0.6673 are three important pressure levels. If ENA can successfully break through these price levels, it is expected to further consolidate its upward trend. However, investors need to remain vigilant in short-term operations and pay close attention to the changes in long and short forces in real time in order to make accurate trading decisions at critical moments. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, and need to analyze the search for cottage points (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌👗cfst115#ENA走势分析 #ENAUSDT🚨 #ENA做空 #ENA将解锁走势如何