In the past two days, the pixel farm has been upgraded to Chapter 2. Before the upgrade, check the daily tasks in the store and plant on other people's land. After the upgrade, check the daily order on your own land and complete various tasks such as planting and mining. Each player is given a Speck House Kit, which is placed in the land, where you can check the order and do tasks. Use gold coins and pixel coins to buy land, trees and various small tools, etc., to upgrade the land and material levels. Without purchasing VIP, there are very few pixel coin tasks, and you can earn less than 0.5u every day😂. The gameplay of the second season has expanded the use scenarios of personal land, and there is no need to queue. However, the overall gold-making income is getting lower and lower. After all, PIXEL has fallen from a high of 1u to the current 0.28. Pixel Farm may still be able to earn gold for free, but it takes more time and energy. If you are a web3 novice player, you can learn about the web3 zero-earning gold-making method through this game. Old players really don’t like this income ratio😂#PIXEL #像素农场 #web3游戏