#GALA $GALA GALA coin today's market in-depth analysis

In today's market dynamics, GALA's performance has attracted attention. At the 1-hour level, the bulls have a clear advantage, showing the positive trend of the market. At the 2-hour level, the appearance of the purple signal further suggests that the short-term volatility of the market may intensify. More importantly, the appearance of the yellow signal at the 4-hour level usually means that the market is about to usher in an important turning point.

Today's market focus is undoubtedly on the 4-hour level of the long-short watershed-0.02827, a key point. If this position can be held, the bulls will continue to control the market; otherwise, it may trigger a counterattack from the bears.

In terms of support levels, we need to pay attention to the three important positions of 0.02805, 0.02783 and 0.02760. If the market pulls back, these support levels will play a key role. Once the market rebounds, we need to pay close attention to the pressure levels of 0.02891, 0.02940 and 0.02974. Only by breaking through these pressure points can the market continue to rise.

For short-term operators, they should closely monitor the market at this time and pay attention to the changes in the long and short forces in real time to grasp the best trading opportunities. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the wealth code, and need to analyze the search for copycat points (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌👗cfst115#Gala遭黑客攻击 #GALA被黑客攻击造成抛售 #gala价格预测 #GALA.智能策略库🥇🥇