🔔Blockchain News Flash! U.S. District Judge William H. Orrick expressed skepticism about Kraken's attempt to dismiss the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) charges against it, and he is inclined to deny Kraken's motion to dismiss the lawsuit. 👨‍⚖️

The judge believes that it is reasonable to offer and sell crypto assets as investment contracts. 👍The judge did not think it was a big problem for Kraken's argument that the SEC was exercising its power without congressional authorization, saying that this was "not a significant expansion of regulatory power."

The judge has asked Kraken and the SEC to provide disclosure information, adding that the investigation is expected to take about a year. ⏰This is an important concern about the global regulatory dynamics of blockchain and an important impact on the cryptocurrency market. 🌐

While we are optimistic about Bitcoin, we must also pay attention to major events such as this that may affect the market. 🔍Let us look forward to more information disclosure and further developments together! 💪