Last night, MicroStrategy bought $786 million worth of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, both Bitcoin ETF and Grayscale had negative inflows, which offset BlackRock's purchase funds, so that Bitcoin fell instead of rising last night. The day before yesterday, we gave a low-absorption position of 64,500-65,000, and a target of 66,000-67,000. Yesterday, Bitcoin reached around 66,500, and the target was achieved! Recently, Bitcoin is under strong pressure around 67,000. After all, it is not as strong as Ethereum, so it is not expected to break through so quickly.

For Bitcoin, the main focus here is on the 64,000 position below. If it does not fall below, it will still be in the range of 64,000-67,000. If it falls below, the oscillation cycle is expected to be longer, and the operation is more difficult, and it is more likely to fall with ETH!

ETH fell yesterday because Bitcoin took the lead and followed it down, reaching a low of around 3,480, reaching the low-absorption position mentioned the day before yesterday. It is currently in a floating profit state, so take it! In the past two days, it is said that the pressure of Ethereum is around 3650-3700. Yesterday, the highest price was around 3625. In the past few days, ETFs are hyped, and you can still buy at low prices. The main focus during the day is 3500. If it falls below, consider buying at around 3450!

Sol has been moving in the range of 140-130 in the past two days. At present, the spot Sol ETF application has been submitted in Canada. If the Ethereum ETF is listed in the United States, Sol may be the next one to be approved. Recently, Sol has been talking about the position of building a position, so the price in the range of around 130 to 110 should be cherished! #BTC