Why do I dare to say that the interest rate cut is coming and the market is about to usher in a crazy bull market? This is Liubao Tea's original analysis, the only one on the entire network.

Today is June 20th. Why do I dare to say that the interest rate cut is imminent and the crazy bull market is coming soon? Don't be misled by those posts of big Vs. They piece together a bunch of concepts just to charge fees and harvest leeks. The logic of the currency circle is actually very simple: big funds buy it and it goes up, and big funds sell it and it goes down.

Based on this logic, if you want to buy a certain currency and make money, you must first pay attention to the macro economy.

Interest rate cuts are commonly known as "flooding". Why does the US dollar interest rate cut lead to a surge in the currency circle?

First, commodity prices and stock prices are seesaw effects. If one side rises, the other side will fall.

Second, what consequences will the US dollar interest rate cut bring?

1️⃣ Commodity prices in the flooding country will rise. 2️⃣ Funds will flow into developing countries. 3️⃣ Stocks in the flooding country will fall. This is different from the analysis of many big Vs because they don't actually understand.

Third, why does the US dollar interest rate hike lead to a rise in US stocks, while stocks in countries that do not raise interest rates synchronously fall?

The interest rate hike leads to a crisis in economies related to the US dollar. The exchange rates of these countries will be unstable, the US dollar will appreciate, and global funds will flow to the United States. Then, the United States gives these funds to Wall Street giants through treasury bonds, and they invest in US stocks. The logic of interest rate cuts is the opposite.

Fourth, what is the biggest risk of a US dollar interest rate cut?

The risk of capital outflow.

Fifth, how does the United States deal with this risk?

Reduce financial risks by exporting force. Every time the interest rate is cut, the United States will export force to increase geopolitical risks and reduce financial risks. This is the case with the first five Middle East wars.

After understanding the above five points, you will understand the conclusion I said at the beginning.