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1. The secondary copycat has fallen almost, you can buy the bottom one after another, the big cake has not fallen through, don't buy it for the time being.

2. Insufficient liquidity in the market, ETFs are all off-market funds, and there is a large amount of wait-and-see funds.

3. The capital split between the East and the West is relatively serious, resulting in the inability of funds to flow back. The sol system and depin that the West strongly supports cannot be bought by Eastern capital, so there is no largest secondary buying order, they cannot make back their capital, and there is no way to create new hot spots. The BTC L2 inscription NFT that Eastern capital strongly supports is not favored by Western capital, resulting in no super large investors taking over, Eastern capital cannot flow back, and retail investors are not passionate enough.

4. Binance neither fully buys Western projects nor fully buys Eastern projects. Binance's influence on the market is already incomparably strong. UB and CB's ability to bring buy orders in the secondary market is no longer comparable.
