Friends of PEPE $PEPE

The label "Dorklord" is like a shining star in Internet culture. Imagine that a "nerd" who loves comics, science fiction, and video games has transformed into a "lord" who controls everything. It is really funny and full of a certain strange dignity. Speaking of Pepe the Frog and Matt Furie, we have to mention the old man in the meme world. Pepe is the green frog created by Matt Furie. At first, he was just a carefree little character, but he accidentally became popular on the Internet and became a superstar of various emoticons and memes. So, what is the relationship between Dorklord and Pepe? Both are darlings of Internet culture, but in terms of style, one is a nerd lord and the other is a relaxed frog. It can be said that Pepe is an old friend of Dorklord. The two often dance together on the Internet and perform wonderful stories. Imagine Dorklord and Pepe become friends in the online world, with Dorklord mentoring Pepe with his erudite mind and passion for geek culture, while Pepe adds a lot of fun to Dorklord's life with his unique sense of humor and fearless attitude. The relationship between the two can be like this: Dorklord talks about the latest comic plot at an underground geek convention, while Pepe nods and eats ants while throwing his signature "feels good man" emoji. Matt Furie, as the creator of Pepe, can be said to be one of the magicians behind Dorklord culture. His creative style is casual and free, like an artist who lets himself go and doesn't care about traditional rules. Furie's works often have a quirky sense of humor, which is exactly why Dorklord and Pepe can shine on the Internet. In the meme world, the interaction between Dorklord and Pepe is like a wonderful crossover performance. Dorklord often appears in an attitude of "I know more than you", while Pepe responds to everything with his lazy and philosophical eyes. This contrast and interaction is precisely one of the most interesting parts of Internet culture. $BTC