1. What is BTC’s UTXO

First, let’s understand that UTXO, which stands for “Unspent Transaction Output”, is the basic data structure used to track funds in Bitcoin and many other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies.

In short, UTXO records all unspent cryptocurrency amounts that can be used as inputs for new transactions.

Every time a transaction occurs, the input UTXO is "spent" and a new UTXO is generated as an output, waiting to be used by future transactions.

This mechanism ensures clarity of transfer and ownership of cryptocurrencies.

2. UTXO of CKB

CKB uses a universal UTXO called Cell. Cell is the basic unit of CKB, just like UTXO is to BTC.

3. BTC is different from CKB

UTXO is like a box with a lock consisting of a code, with the monetary value clearly marked on the surface; Cells are also boxes, but with more diverse functions and more powerful features.


4. Advanced Coding

Unlike the simple and limited code that UTXO can carry, Cells can use complex Turing-complete code, similar to ordinary software running on a computer. You can learn more about the difference between finite scripts and Turing-complete scripts.