How to deposit and withdraw funds most safely⁉️

Everyone in the bull market has made a lot of profits, and there are also brothers who have lost money and want to buy U. I was surprised to find that many people don’t even know how to buy and sell U in a standardized manner‼ ️It’s so shocking, so I’ll give you a tutorial

📍The first is to buy U. Click on the C2C coin buying function of Binance and choose any merchant. Many people worry about buying black U. That’s alarmist. The U that can be bought and sold on Binance has passed the double screening of on-chain transactions and Binance risk control platform. It is basically unlikely to buy black U in Binance, the largest exchange in the universe. Then, in order to avoid money laundering, newcomers who buy coins on Binance need to keep your funds in the bank card for 7 days. Within 7 days, your bank card cannot have money transferred to it to avoid money laundering by black-hearted merchants‼ ️Some friends who buy small funds can choose merchants such as Figure 1 that do not require capital verification for small transactions, and there is no 7-day limit

📍The second is how to sell U is a big question‼ ️

Generally speaking, selling u is the easiest part to receive black money, and it is also the most important thing for everyone to pay attention to. If you sell u online, you should still select the Shield merchant through Binance's c2c. This is the safest, because Shield merchants have pledged funds. If your account is frozen due to black money, the merchant needs to pay compensation. 💰 In addition, Shield merchants need to have enough successful transactions. Generally, there are thousands of successful transactions without problems, and the probability of problems with you is also very small‼ ️

The second is offline. It is definitely recommended that you sell u through Hong Kong. Selling u in Hong Kong is protected by law. After selling u, you can directly deposit it into your bank card through Standard Chartered or HSBC‼ ️However, selling u in this way will be a few cents cheaper‼ ️There are pros and cons, and everyone weighs it for themselves‼ ️

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