Wang Xing's prediction about Bitcoin 10 years ago was really great!

At the end of 2013, Wang Xing, the founder of Meituan, posted a message on the Fanfou platform, announcing that he had bought some Bitcoin, and wrote a paragraph: "I have no time to study Bitcoin in depth, and I don't have the expectation of speculating to make huge profits. I just think that this idea is too awesome! It is the kind of awesome that is destined to be recorded in the history of human civilization."

At that time, the price of Bitcoin was less than $1,000, and today, the price of Bitcoin has reached $41,600.

Wang Xing's motivation for buying Bitcoin does not seem to be to make money. He probably didn't sell the Bitcoin he bought at the time. For him, buying Bitcoin may be more of a commemoration, or because he agrees with the values ​​of Bitcoin. (By the way, the big guys can easily hold Bitcoin for more than ten years without selling it because they are not short of money. Sure enough, the money flows to those who are not short of money)

When Wang Xing bought Bitcoin, Meituan Takeaway had just been online for a month. Before that, Meituan's main business was in-store group buying. As a big guy who is busy fighting with other giants in the takeaway market for market share, he really has no time to study Bitcoin in depth.

One can't help but imagine that if Wang Xing had not founded Meituan in another parallel universe, he might have become a real boss in the cryptocurrency world.