In the vast territory of Web3, security is like a towering fortress, guarding the wealth and trust of every explorer. GoPlus, as a shining star in the field of Web3 security, has built a rock-solid defense line for the entire Web3 ecosystem with its outstanding capabilities across more than 20 blockchain networks, making it more secure and stable.

Working side by side with top Layer 2 and Rollup technical teams such as AltLayer, zkSync, and Manta, GoPlus is like a wise guide, paving a safer path for open data and computing layers. With cutting-edge technology, it provides solid protection for the data and computing environment of Web3, allowing every user to freely travel in this magical digital continent.

It is more appropriate to describe GoPlus as an all-round guardian, which has an advanced artificial intelligence module as its "eye". So far, GoPlus has provided security services to more than 10,000 partners around the world, and protects up to 21 million user security data every day. No matter which mainstream public chain you are on, GoPlus can provide you with all-round protection.

In terms of asset protection, GoPlus has demonstrated extraordinary strength. It has successfully thwarted a hacker's poisoning attack and saved users from a loss of $20K. Like a brave knight, it stepped forward in times of crisis and helped users regain the wealth that was about to be lost. At the same time, GoPlus also used advanced preemptive technology to save NFT and Token assets in time, avoiding users' losses of $10K. Its quick response and accurate judgment make every user feel safe and protected.

GoPlus is also committed to providing comprehensive Web3 security services. Whether it is smart contract auditing, wallet security or real-time monitoring on the chain, it can provide you with the most professional protection. By using cutting-edge technologies such as Flashbots, GoPlus successfully saved the remaining assets of users; effectively blocked authorization requests from phishing websites, keeping users away from asset risks; when the protocol was attacked, it responded quickly to prevent users from suffering greater losses.

Under the protection of GoPlus, you can travel in the Web3 universe with peace of mind and pursue endless wealth and opportunities. Let us work together to create a safer and more prosperous Web3 future!