Four years is a cycle, this is a mysterious law in the currency circle.

Three years of bear market, dormant, waiting, and sharpening;

One year of bull market, rise, carnival, and bloom!

In the journey of the bull market, the occasional plunge is just a part of the market's self-regulation. As long as the foundation supporting the market remains solid, the long-term upward trend will not change.

Some people say that strictly speaking, the bull market started in December 23. So now, we are in the middle of the bull market, and there are about six months to the end of the bull market.

Keep your composure, be loyal to your investment strategy, and don't be swayed by daily price fluctuations. Keep confidence in the market and recognize the importance of time in investment. Remember, those investors who stick to their beliefs and persevere will eventually succeed in the market.

In order to seize the best trading opportunities, it is key to prepare in advance. By foreseeing market trends and laying out in advance, you will be able to gain an advantage in the unpredictable market.

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