Shocking! It only took him a few years to go from an internet-addicted teenager to a super-big boss in the crypto world!

You would never have thought that Vitalik Buterin, born in 1994, is the founder of the blockchain platform Ethereum, known as "V God" in the currency circle!

He used to be no different from an ordinary internet-addicted teenager. At the age of 13, he was addicted to "World of Warcraft" and played games every day until he was exhausted. However, a game upgrade changed his life! Blizzard cancelled his favorite warlock skills, which made him angry and made him start to think about the disadvantages of centralized systems.

By chance, he came into contact with Bitcoin and discovered the decentralized world. He decided to drop out of school, travel around the world, and communicate with blockchain enthusiasts around the world, with Bitcoin on his mind. In 2013, he founded Ethereum and raised 31,000 Bitcoins (about 18 million US dollars) through ICO crowdfunding!

In 2015, Ethereum was officially released, and a decentralized revolution began! Ethereum's smart contract function made it popular quickly. In 2017, the price of Ethereum increased 85 times, and more than $4 billion was raised through ICOs worldwide!

Despite hacker attacks and hard forks, Ethereum still stands firm. Today, Vitalik is still on the road to popularizing Ethereum knowledge, and his journey has just begun!

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