Earlier we talked about how to deal with the small amount of STONE pledged by the money-grabbing party. In fact, it can be generalized. All such models where you pledge another currency (scientific name LP tokens) can be handled in this way. After the LP tokens are open for redemption, due to factors such as handling fees, withdrawal fees, and withdrawal time, there will be brick movers who go to the DEX exchange to purchase such coins to redeem them for arbitrage, so the liquidity tokens have a price, and then this price will tend to be normal (the invisible big hand of market economic behavior). If the price is normal and the liquidity is sufficient, we, the money-grabbing party, can directly exchange it.

Because DEX is exchanged on the same chain, please pay attention to prepare the gas of the same chain of LP tokens

For example:

slisBNB is the preparation of bnb chain

solvBTC is the preparation of bnb chain

STONE is the preparation of scroll chain eth


What we need to do is to calculate whether it is more cost-effective to redeem or directly exchange:

solvBTC and slisBNB have low gas fees on the bnb chain. If you redeem, you will only lose a little gas. There is slippage and one gas for exchange. It is cost-effective to redeem. It is recommended to redeem on the page. If you use the exchange, you will lose 1% slippage, which is about 0.7 yuan and 0.4 yuan respectively.

STONE is the main chain of Ethereum, and the redemption gas is expensive, so use exchange


Binance Web3 exchange aggregates the mainstream DEX exchanges, so you can exchange directly (if you find that Binance cannot exchange a certain LP coin, and some exchanges do not aggregate, just find the popular DEX of the main chain yourself)

The following figure is the exchange chart of each currency. All you need to do is calculate the price and see how to deal with it appropriately, so that you will not be Gas assassins😄:

This kind of activities that will be launched online in the future will be handled in this way.

Finally, let’s summarize:

1. Prepare the Gas of the chain where the LP token is located

2. Wait for the LP token to be open for redemption or the end of the activity.

3. Carefully evaluate whether it is more cost-effective to sell the LP token directly or to redeem it on the page, and finally decide whether to sell or redeem it.