Today I watched a documentary about a full-time futures trader, from a network administrator to a net worth of 20 million.

The protagonist graduated from junior high school and started working in real estate. Later, by chance, he went to Shanghai to work as a high-frequency trader. The requirement was to react quickly. After working for 5 years, he earned 3 million yuan. Later, he went out to work alone and became a full-time trader.

I have to say that he is indeed a big shot. If he can be active in the futures market for so long, he must have some skills. There is definitely a luck factor, but I think he has a set of trading plans that he strictly implements. This market is a zero-sum game. If you make 10,000 yuan, someone must lose 10,000 yuan; and there is also high leverage.

When you have a position, the increase is really stimulating, dopamine is secreted like crazy, and you feel like you are about to take off; but holding the opposite position is also very emotional, sometimes you don’t know how to be hungry or tired; plus sometimes the main force will come to hunt and blow up your order, and the market will come out, which is too psychological. So I always think that trading really depends on mentality. In my mind, mentality accounts for 60%. Only when the emotions are stable, strictly follow your own plan, and never bring the emotions of the previous order to the next order, can you go further.