BTC has been sideways for three days. Are many friends confused again? I don't know whether this position is up or down. Come on, Lao Deng is here to answer you again!

Let's look at the picture below. BTC has been moving down, and the decline has not stabilized. Now the sideways trend for a few days is a good thing. Why do I say that? Sideways can better repair this wave of downward trend and stabilize around 64,000. However, Lao Deng is still not optimistic about this position for the time being, so Lao Deng's view is to short at highs. After all, Lao Deng was right in the previous two waves of shorts. So it's still the previous theory. Just take the high altitude around 66,000-6650!

Keep up with Lao Deng's pace and continue to short and eat meat! If you are interested, you can come to Lao Deng's circle to discuss!

#热门话题 #BTC走势预测 #BTC翻倍之路 $BTC