[Breaking News] BlockBeats June 20 news, CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju recently revealed on Twitter that Meme coin's share in the altcoin market is gradually shrinking. It seems that investors are shifting their focus from short-term speculation to long-term fundamental analysis.

Ki Young Ju's tweet has attracted widespread attention. He said that similar to the situation a few years ago, traders are beginning to focus on fundamentals rather than pure speculation. Does this mean that the market is gradually maturing and investors are beginning to look at the cryptocurrency market more rationally?

Meme coins, as the name suggests, originated from Internet memes, represented by Dogecoin. Recently, the popularity of Meme coins has attracted widespread attention in the market. However, with the decline in market share, some investors have begun to wonder whether they should pay more attention to cryptocurrencies with practical application value.

This is a question worth pondering. In the cryptocurrency market, how should investors make the best choice? Is it to follow the hot spots or to delve into the fundamentals? Welcome to share your views and experiences in the comment area, let us discuss this issue together. 😊

The above content is for reference only, investment is risky, and operations should be cautious.