🔶 Brothers are close to you, but you are playing tricks on them?

Sun Yuchen, the founder of Tron, transferred 6.224 million $CRV (worth about 2.07 million US dollars) to Binance exchange a few days ago. Now all the CRV tokens in Sun’s wallet have been cleared. Among them, 5 million CRV were bought by Sun from the founder of Curve at a price of 0.4 US dollars per coin in an over-the-counter transaction in August last year.

👉🏻 In this token transfer, Sun Ge also transferred some altcoins to Binance:

106,863 $WOO , worth $24,578 at the time

62,500 $PROS, worth $21,375 at the time

29,331 $GAL, worth $74,207 at the time

17,562 $TRU, worth $2,902 at the time

148,002 $MATIC, worth $88,623 at the time

37,739 $CVX , worth $141,898 at the time

Sun Ge explained: "Recently, the team just collected various funds in the wallet, and there is no selling mode. Now the industry is at a low point, and we should continue to build with a constructive mentality!"

Sun Ge is really leaving the market, is there still a play for altcoins🤣

#CRV #BTC走势分析 #币安合约锦标赛