#BTC $BTC BTC In-depth Analysis of the Day's Market

In today's BTC market, we observed that the long and short forces showed a subtle balance and change at multiple time levels.

First, from the 1-hour level, the market is clearly on the side of the long side, showing a relatively strong upward momentum. However, at the 2-hour level, the appearance of the purple dot sounded the alarm for a callback, reminding us to be vigilant about possible short-term adjustments.

Turning our attention to the 4-hour level, the situation is different. At this level, the market clearly points to the short side, showing a certain downward pressure. Therefore, we pay special attention to the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level-the key position near 65008.0. If the price can successfully hold this position, the long side will still have the opportunity to continue to exert its strength; on the contrary, if it falls below this position, the short side will dominate.

For the support level below, we first focus on 64769.4. If the price fails to hold this position, it may further drop to the vicinity of the two more important support levels of 64588.1 and 63979.2. These three price areas will be an important reference for us to judge whether the downward trend of the market can continue.

Of course, the market is always full of variables. If the market rebounds, we need to pay attention to the three upper target prices of 64769.4, 64588.1 and 63979.2. These positions will be the key to judging whether the bulls can successfully reverse the situation.

In the process of watching the market, we need to maintain a high degree of sensitivity and vigilance to capture the changes in the power of long and short in real time. Only in this way can we accurately grasp the trend of each wave of the market and make steady profits in the currency circle.

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