2024.6.20 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis

Good morning, brothers. It has been a long time since I posted intraday market analysis at 8 am. Old fans must know that I posted the analysis on time at 8 am every day last year. Now I have become lazy, drinking several nights a week, sleeping until I wake up naturally every day, and my life is getting more and more decadent!

Last year, at the end of the bear market and the beginning of the bull market, I suggested that everyone hoard Bitcoin. This year is the time to enjoy digital growth. From a large-scale perspective, Bitcoin has risen for 7 consecutive months from 25,000 in September last year to a peak of 74,000 in March this year.

Now the monthly level sideways zone is fluctuating widely, indicating that the first half of the bull market has ended. In my opinion, it is just a wash. It has risen 3 times in less than a year. Why should the dog dealer let everyone make money?

In the short term, Bitcoin may fluctuate widely for another quarter. During this time, if Bitcoin has the opportunity to reach around 57,000, it can be fully invested. I don’t know whether it can reach this position or whether it will go to a lower position, but I can accept this price.

My personal opinion is for your reference only. After all, I still have lower-cost BTC. Even if I enter the market at 57,000, it is only temporary. After the Fed cuts interest rates, you will find that you bought less when it fell!

Today's market analysis:

$BTC Yesterday morning, a big drop hit the bottom of the large-scale support level and then began a strong rebound. Today, BTC should pay attention to the position of 65050. If the 4-hour level goes up today and the closing line can stand above this position, it means that the rebound is strong. If it rises, pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 65440-65810-66530!

If the rebound today cannot stand above 65050, if it continues to fall, pay attention to the lower support level near 64600-64010-63540 #BTC走势预测

$ETH is still relatively strong compared to BTC. After all, there is an ETF passing expectation in early July. I have said this in my deduction a few days ago, asking everyone to buy when it falls. I don’t know how many brothers believe me!

Today, Ethereum will pay attention to the position of 3543. If it can stand above this position today, the daily level correction will be completed. If it rises, pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 3575-3610-3655!

If it cannot stand above 3543 today, the 4-hour bullish sideways trend will continue. If it falls back, pay attention to the lower support level near 3510-3480-3453 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥