Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and former chief scientist at OpenAI, Daniel Levy, former engineer at OpenAI, and Daniel Gross, investor and former partner at startup accelerator Y Combinator, Safe Superintelligence, Inc. He founded a new company called (SSI). As the name of the company suggests, SSI's goal and product are clear.

SSI is an American company with offices in Palo Alto and Tel Aviv. They will advance AI through the co-development of security and capabilities, the founders said in an online announcement on June 19.

Sutskever and Gross were already worried about AI safety

Sutskever left OpenAI on May 14. He was involved in the firing of CEO Sam Altman and played an unspecified role in the company after resigning from the board upon Altman's return. Daniel Levy was among the researchers who left OpenAI a few days after Sutskever.

Other top tech figures are also worried

Former OpenAI researchers are among many scientists concerned about the future direction of AI. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Butertin called AGI "risky" during a personnel shakeup at OpenAI. However, he said, "such models pose a much lower risk of apocalypse than both corporate megalomania and militarism."

The SSI announcement stated that the company is hiring engineers and researchers. Share your comments below, what are your thoughts?#SSI#AI #OpenAI