Poolz Finance IMO!

Announcing “Poolz IMOs” Adding More Utilities and Seamless Airdrops to +3,500 POOLX Holders!

The IMO model allows companies to create a pool on Poolz.finance and offer it to their community, while POOLX +3,500 holders receive airdrops from each IMO.

How it will work:

1. The IMO ticket is published on the Poolz.finance website.

2. The pool is public according to FSFC rules and is not subject to prior whitelisting.

3. There are no refunds in our IMO.

4. $POOLX holders with more than 3500 tokens receive an automatic airdrop from each pool (locked in the dashboard).

Social Benefits:

This model will allow more companies to use Poolz pad and grow their communities. We will share the rewards of this model with our token holders. Specifically, all IMO token holders will receive a free airdrop from the project's total pool.

For example, if company


Kind regards,

Poolz Team