W coin has fallen suicidal, can it still be held? What's next?

#w #美联储何时降息?

"W may rise or fall next, but it is not ruled out that it may go sideways!" This sentence, which is often used to tease "coin circle analysts", precisely reveals the short-term truth of this market!

W can no longer see where the bottom is. It has fallen below the 0.5 range. It cannot rise without great positive news. The last pull-up was probably a dog dealer's shipment. W has been pulled once. In the short term, it is still mainly a wash-up. The opening price of 0.05 does not rule out the possibility of falling there. The big cake is currently in a volatile market. According to this trend, it is impossible to reach 72,000 in the short term. If you hold a large amount of W, you can reduce some of your holdings. If you don't know how to operate, you can read my introduction. Just lie down and I will take you to eat meat
