Contracts have studied human nature thoroughly. They are not afraid of you winning, but afraid of you not playing. You win 100 times, but you lose once and it's gone.

Apart from the shock, if we look at the long-term period, there are only two directions for contracts, ups and downs.

Let's assume that the rise and fall cannot be predicted, then your winning rate is 50%, and you use doubling as the stop profit and liquidation as the stop loss, then your probability of doubling and liquidation is 50% each. This is very high.

If you know some technical indicators, then your winning rate may increase to 55%.

Then the question is, if there is a lottery with a winning rate of 55%, will you play it? You may also play it.

In addition, there is a concept that liquidation does not mean bankruptcy.

Many people use ant warehouses to play high times, 200 yuan at a time, stop loss when liquidation, double and leave.

If it explodes, it explodes, just treat it as a meal of crayfish for friends