Some friends who entered the currency circle thought that investing in Bitcoin was too slow to make money, so they went astray and bet on Tugou coins crazily.

What is Tugou coin?

Some funds and scammers randomly issue a coin on the Kaiyuan public chain in the currency circle, package it with a professional team, and promote it in major communities. Because some of these coins have risen hundreds of times during the bull market, many leeks choose to gamble.

In particular, the Tugou coins introduced by some acquaintances and masters have a fatal attraction to them, and they spend money crazily to buy several houses at once.

Although there are people in the currency circle who invest in Tugou to make money, as far as the people I have met around me have, no one has invested in Tugou to make money, and all of them have nothing.

Maybe the last second, the Tugou project party is still drawing a beautiful blueprint, and the next second it has collapsed, and all the coins are instantly zero.