Why can something as seemingly unreliable as cryptocurrency still attract so many people to play?

Simply put, most people play cryptocurrency to try their luck, just like betting on the size in a casino. And the ending of gamblers is often tragic, losing everything.

Those so-called "wealth freedom" stories on the Internet sound tempting, but there may be a scam behind them. The real situation is that many people play for a while, and finally return to the starting point in disgrace, or even worse than before.

The currency circle is like an online version of the "dark forest", which is easy to get in but difficult to get out. Once you step into this circle, it's like being trapped, and it's hard to get out. Some people even do it at all costs and end up in disgrace.

False propaganda and exaggerated profit stories on the Internet are like sweet traps. They use all kinds of bright and beautiful appearances and tempting promises to attract young people and novices who are eager to get rich overnight. But what is the result? Often, they don't make any money, and they are cheated out of everything.

In the cryptocurrency world, you don't need any education or work experience, as long as you have ten yuan and a finger that can click the mouse, you can play. And it is open 24 hours a day, and you can participate anytime and anywhere. This convenience and excitement make many people unable to stop.

But don't forget the hidden risks behind it. Those seemingly tempting chicken soup stories and profit reports are probably carefully designed by the dealer to attract you. They use your greed and ignorance to lead you into the abyss step by step.

So, you should be cautious when playing cryptocurrency, and don't be blinded by those sweet words.

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