I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming rich overnight in the cryptocurrency circle, but I ended up falling into a scam…

On March 11, 2019, the Pengzhou police received a report from the victim saying that he joined an exclusive WeChat group through an online shopping platform, and followed the so-called "experts" and "professors" in the group to invest in Bitcoin, gold, foreign exchange, etc., and lost more than 870,000 yuan in 5 months.

After receiving the report, the police immediately launched an investigation and found that the "online shopping platform" referred to by the victim was actually an online investment fraud platform disguised as a shopping platform. In each WeChat group, the suspect would pretend to be a "white, rich and beautiful" or "confidant sister" to share his experience of making money, and also pretend to be an "expert" or "professor" to analyze various investment situations such as Bitcoin, specifically guiding the victim to invest.

Usually, the victim's initial small investment will earn corresponding profits from the platform, but when the victim is convinced of this "profitable" platform, the so-called "experts" and "professors" will give the victim advice on large "investments". Once the victim follows the advice and starts to "invest" a large amount, the suspect will control the rise and fall results through back-end operations, create the illusion of investment failure, and take the victim's money for himself. In order to stabilize the victim, the "investment consultant" will also send him a red envelope to express "comfort", disguising the entire fraud process as the victim's investment failure, making the fraud more concealed.

In view of the seriousness of the case, the police set up a special task force to start the investigation of the case. After 3 months of investigation, they finally fully grasped the distribution of the criminal gang's office locations, personnel composition, work processes, and the flow of funds involved in the case, and fully investigated the criminal facts that the gang built an APP platform on the Internet and maliciously tampered with the background data, causing a large number of victims to be deceived.

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