W-Coin is a tap-to-earn game on the Telegram platform that allows users to earn in-game currency primarily by tapping a button.

The special feature of this game is that it requires players and the community to decide on the blockchain chain on which the upcoming token will be issued. Options include Ethereum, Solana, and TON.

Game interface

W-Coin's interface is simple and similar to other mini games on Telegram. Players need to tap on the image of W-coin on the home screen to earn in-game tokens, which can then be reinvested to increase mining power. Players can also invite friends and complete various challenges to receive additional rewards.

W-Coin development process

W-Coin officially began its mining phase on May 2 and announced on X that it had reached 50,000 users within five days. W-Coin also announced a partnership with another tap-to-earn game, Yescoin, although details of the partnership were not specified.

On June 11, W-Coin said on X that it had reached 10 million users. However, it should be noted that many games on Telegram often encounter questions about the number of bots enhancing user statistics.

How to get started with W-Coin

To get started, players simply need to visit W-Coin's Telegram bot. Here, they can view game instructions, join the community, or click “Play” to get started.

When you press "Play", the main interface of the game will open. Players can click on the image of W-coin to start earning tokens in the game. Each press adds one point to the counter.

In the upper right corner of the screen there is a settings icon where players can choose their preferred blockchain between Ethereum, Solana and TON. This selection can only be made once and cannot be changed.

How to increase player's income

The game offers referral rewards when inviting others to join. Gamers receive 2,500 tokens each time they successfully invite a friend to the game, along with a 1% bonus from the rewards their friends earn.

When successfully inviting 10 friends to the game, players will receive a reward of 100,000 tokens and advance to level 2. At level 2, players receive 5,000 tokens for each new friend and 1.5% from their reward. These rewards gradually increase up to level 11, where players receive 27,500 tokens each and 6% of their rewards.

There are also tasks to get additional rewards, like reposting an article on X, joining the Telegram community, playing other tap-to-earn games, and many more.

The next method to increase rewards is staking. Players can temporarily lock up from 25% to all of their tokens for 3 to 14 days. Depending on the selected time period, players will receive from 2% to 20% of the selected tokens for staking.

Finally, players can reinvest their tokens to speed up their collection in a variety of ways. For example, if a new player reaches 2,500 tokens, they can buy Tap Level 1. That way, each tap of W-coin will give them two tokens instead of one. Players can also unlock “workers” to mine coins while they sleep, along with several other options. There are also free daily boosters like “lucky dice”, which provide temporary multipliers for each tap.

Other Telegram games include Hamster Kombat, TapSwap, PixelTap, and Notcoin.

Source: https://tapchibitcoin.io/game-w-coin-tren-telegram-la-gi-va-cach-de-choi-kiem-token-nhu-the-nao.html