
  • Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading allows you to select counterparties for cryptocurrency transactions, as well as set prices and payment methods. If fiat channels are not available, you can use P2P platforms that allow you to exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat and vice versa. This opens up Web3 to millions of people.

  • P2P trading platforms like Binance P2P use advanced security measures, reduce potential risks, and provide a seamless transaction experience.

  • Binance P2P enhances trading security through escrow service, thorough user and merchant verification, and artificial intelligence-based monitoring. All this helps to identify, block and remove bad actors from the platform, and also provides an unrivaled trading experience.

Users of cryptocurrency markets exchange digital assets for fiat and other cryptocurrencies every day. Some do this through the order books of centralized crypto exchanges (CEX) like Binance, others use decentralized exchanges (DEX), and still others prefer peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions.

P2P trading is a trading method in which users can buy and sell cryptocurrency directly among themselves. This is exactly how the first cryptocurrency transactions took place: before the advent of convenient centralized platforms and professional market makers, users made transactions with each other. Over time, modern P2P exchanges such as Binance P2P launched in the space, which began to act as intermediaries, offer escrow services and control the market. Such platforms monitor the safe and stable execution of transactions. 

In markets where there is no access to fiat gateways, peer-to-peer trading allows the transfer of fiat to cryptocurrencies and vice versa. And yet, some still believe that P2P solutions are less secure than regular payment gateways and CEXs. The biggest concern is the risk of fraud in the P2P space. However, in recent years, leading platforms like Binance P2P have begun to implement advanced security measures that significantly reduce risks and increase the reliability of transactions.

In this blog, we'll look at the current state of P2P trading and the measures Binance is taking to ensure peer-to-peer trading is as safe and convenient as possible.

Risks and benefits of P2P trading

Cryptocurrencies were created specifically for P2P transactions: fundamental technical documentation Satoshi Nakamoto even bears the title “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” However, with the emergence of large platforms, the methods of exchanging digital assets have become more “indirect”, and the old P2P methods have faded into the background. Partly because direct exchange was considered riskier.

Nowadays, most peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading takes place on marketplaces like Binance P2P. They act as trusted intermediaries and reduce risks for both parties to the transaction. Thanks to the platforms, transactions have become easier and more secure than in the early days of cryptocurrencies. However, opponents of peer-to-peer trading are concerned about the security risks and complexity of the process. Some believe that P2P trading is risky because counterparties remain anonymous, giving attackers more opportunities to cheat.

Of course, you should always exercise caution when it comes to money transactions. In peer-to-peer trading, users choose their counterparties and conduct transactions themselves, so it is important to remain vigilant. Attackers are constantly developing new fraudulent schemes to defraud less knowledgeable and cautious P2P traders. For example, scammers can use fake proof of payment and chargeback fraud, impersonate representatives of official exchanges, and use other methods to steal user funds.

To reduce the risk of fraud, it is better to use advanced security methods and choose reliable exchanges with a high level of security. Leading platforms such as Binance P2P offer deep liquidity and a convenient trading space to make users comfortable with their transactions.

P2P is hugely popular in the crypto space along with newer trading modes. P2P trading differs from them in unique advantages: users can select a counterparty, set their own prices, specify a payment method and other transaction parameters. Moreover, if fiat gateways are not available, users can use P2P to exchange digital assets for fiat and vice versa. This opportunity opens up access to the world of Web3 for millions of people.

Stable trading on Binance P2P

Binance cares about user security on its services, including Binance P2P. This marketplace features advanced security measures and a user-friendly interface that takes peer-to-peer transactions to the next level. Binance's P2P platform launched approximately five years ago and now supports 970 payment methods and 112 fiat currencies, serving millions of users. Between 2022 and 2023, the number of its users grew by 39%.

To ensure stable and secure trading, Binance P2P offers several key features: escrow service, thorough verification of users and merchants, as well as additional security features based on advanced technologies.

  • Escrow service: The concept of escrow service is quite simple, but effective. When the counterparties come to an agreement on the terms of the transaction, the seller's cryptocurrency is blocked by Binance and transferred to the buyer after the seller confirms receipt of payment. This mechanism ensures that both parties keep their end of the deal. If the buyer and seller cannot reach an agreement, our team will analyze their activities and transaction histories to resolve the dispute based on the available evidence.

  • User and Merchant Verification: All users must undergo identity verification to use Binance products and services. In addition, to obtain verified merchant status, merchants must provide additional documents and complete certain actions, as well as achieve the required P2P trading performance. We value our reputation and monitor those who use our peer-to-peer marketplace as traders and merchants. 

  • AI Monitoring: To enhance security, Binance uses advanced technologies, including large language models based on artificial intelligence (AI) and so-called computer vision. These specialized AI models are trained to identify suspicious users who may be committing fraud. AI solutions use patterns of communication that indicate potential malicious intent, and also analyze images of payment evidence for fraud. These “invisible guards” make it even more difficult for scammers to operate on Binance P2P, which is why we regularly identify and remove bad actors from the platform (often before they can harm users).

Forewarned is forearmed, and this is especially true in the field of cryptocurrencies. That's why we continually publish educational materials covering best security practices and fraud tactics. This allows our users and other market participants to spot suspicious signs and protect themselves from fraud.

Feedback from our users

Over the past 5 years, millions of people from all over the world have used the Binance P2P platform and appreciated its security and convenience. P2P trading allows users to have more control over the process while still benefiting from Binance's security features. 

A user who has been trading on the Binance Square P2P platform for more than 1000 days shared his impressions. Here's what he said:

“To protect funds, they (Binance P2P) have implemented an escrow service that ensures that both parties fulfill their obligations before transferring assets. Also, Binance P2P has a user rating system so I can check the rating of traders before making a trade." - Chumba, Binance P2P user

Binance's P2P platform offers many benefits: control over transactions, high level of security, convenience and liquidity of a leading exchange. Start trading on Binance P2P today and make secure and efficient transactions.

Additional materials

Denial of responsibility. Digital asset prices may be volatile. These fluctuations may affect the value of digital assets you buy or sell on the Binance P2P platform. The value may fall or rise during and after the transaction. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions. Binance is not responsible for your possible losses. Using the Binance P2P platform, you trade digital assets directly with other users. Binance simplifies cryptocurrency transactions by only transferring digital assets once the offline fiat exchange has been confirmed by both parties. The transaction amount, price and conditions for each advertisement are set by the user publishing it. All payments are final upon completion unless otherwise required by law. Binance has neither the right nor the obligation to resolve any disputes arising in connection with a completed payment. Binance is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of a payment made. Does not constitute financial advice. To learn more, please review our Terms of Use and Risk Disclosure.