June 19

I decided not to trade cryptocurrencies anymore. There is no peaceful day in the days of trading cryptocurrencies. It is like licking blood on the edge of a knife. The first thing I do every day when I wake up is to see whether the price will rise or fall. This kind of life is really enough.

Trading cryptocurrencies is like xidu. When it soars, I enjoy it every day. When it plummets, I stay up all night. I think every day how to make money like other permanent profit teachers.

Many times, I was fine before going to bed, but I was liquidated when I woke up. When others asked me what happened, I didn’t dare to speak. I couldn’t bear this kind of pressure. It’s better to return to society early, work to make money, and spend more time with my parents and family. I regret trading cryptocurrencies very much, and even hate myself. At this point, I feel the most sorry for my family. (A joke forwarded online)

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