What is so difficult about trading? (There are new people)

If you regard trading as a job and traders as a profession, then if I want to do this profession well, I need to have the skills to match it. For example, if I want to make money by being a chef, but I can't even tell the difference between sugar and salt, then the possibility of making money is basically zero. The same is true for trading. I have summarized 3 difficulties after learning by myself

Self-study is difficult

The basic knowledge, rules, and software usage of trading, etc., these most basic things must be learned thoroughly.

Then you have to learn technical analysis knowledge, such as the principles and usage of technical indicators, signal recognition, trading system theory, etc.

It is difficult to build a trading system

It takes patience to constantly review and build a trading system, which is also the watershed of trading profits. I used to think that the road to trading should be crowded, but when I spent a lot of time to perfect my trading system, I found that there was no one around me

It is difficult to stick to execution

Traders with practical experience will understand this feeling. A small thought flashing in the mind, a small action to change the trading plan, may lead to an irreversible result. I was blown up before. Execution can guarantee your concentration and ensure that your mind is not carried away by the market's waves, so that you can make a profit

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