6.19 Market Analysis

In the past two days, I have been reminding everyone that the support below is 64,000 for Bitcoin and 3,410 for Ethereum. After reaching these two positions, they rebounded accordingly. This morning's early trading clearly told everyone that there would be a rebound, and then there was an upward pull. At present, Ethereum is relatively strong on the entire market, and it has driven the entire sector. Since last week, I have been reminding everyone to pay attention to the Ethereum ecosystem. Bitcoin still needs to pay attention to the defense position below 64,000 during the day, and it will maintain a shock. The resistance above the shock is to pay attention to whether the two positions of 66,000 and 67,000 can break upward. If it is outrageous at 64,000, pay attention to 61,000 to 63,000. At this time, this position is still rebounding and cannot be regarded as a reversal.

Ethereum is also focusing on this position, the strength of the upward rebound, the upper resistance of 3555 and 3650, the lower support of 3475 and the defensive position of 3388. If it does not fall below 3448 during the day, it can be seen that there will be a small rebound. If it falls below, it will be seen that there will be 3300. At present, all the market trends are based on rebounds and cannot constitute a reversal. Therefore, all current strategies must control positions and not linger. Patiently wait for the general direction to stabilize. News: (1) Last night, the monthly rate of retail sales in the United States in May was released. The expected rate was 0.3%, but the result was 0.1%, which was positive. (2) The PMI data released at 9:45 on Friday. (3) Next, we will focus on the release of unemployment benefits and CPI data on July 11. Ethereum ETF issuers may respond to SEC comments before Friday. #心诚 #大盘走势